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a la carte volume I

source: Rundown studios
 and various soundchecks 

Side one: 
I threw it all away 
Maggie's farm 
Ballad of a thin man 
Simple twist of fate 
To Ramona 
If you see her, say hello 

Side two: 
New pony *
One more year +
Carry me, Carrie +
Watching the river flow ~
You're gonna make me lonesome 
We better talk this over 
Coming from the heart 



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Front Cover
Back Cover
A European piece from 1986 on the check out production's Label 

White vinyl with the standard ' guilty ' LP label.  The legend on the LP 

cover is wrong.  The true legend is as follows: 
Rundown studio rehearsals  except for: 

* Paris sound check date 7/5/78 
+ St. Louis sound check date 10/29/78 
~ Omaha sound check date 11/4/ 78 
One more year (true title 'Daddy's little girl') and carry me, Carrie
By Shel Silverstien 
6-7 stars  NMP35 

Matrix: checkout '78 A & B

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