
Daily Updates

Member in good standing since: Dec 21, 2001
CD-r Trader
john steffes
My Trade Policy
Online trade list
email me
I'm Looking For
Bob's Boots feedback
Other Artists

*Name: john steffes
*Country: usa
*Category: cdr
*E-mail address:  konishki@gci.net
Online trade list URL: http://www.tapercities.com/Highway61/atticus/ 

Do you want to receive feedback from others? yes 
Trade Policy: no mp3-sourced material please 
I'm looking for:  anything i don't have & sound upgrades 
Other artists I trade: springsteen, neil young, van morrison, patti smith, steve earle, rolling stones, lou reed/vu.


My Trade Policy:

no mp3-sourced material please


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Feedback for This Trader:

If you have had dealings with this trader,
drop us an email to let us know how it went.

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I'm Looking For:

anything i don't have & sound upgrades

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Other Artists I Trade:

neil young
van morrison
patti smith
steve earle
rolling stones
lou reed/vu

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© 1999-2001 Craig Pinkerton - Site by eve, Incorporated



After hosting a trader's page for a year, our requirement to become a Goldstar member is to supply us with a cdr that we can
use to help newbies and other traders. Some choose not to supply a cdr in return for our efforts. It is not a requirement to do
so, nor to become a goldstar trader. Non-goldstar members are in no way considered "a less desirable" trade partner than
members. The choice not to be a goldstar member is on their end... not ours. So it has nothing to do with their trade practices.
This bobsboots trader has been proven a good trader by virtue of remaining active at our site for over a year with no
complaints ever being registered.

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