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Member in good standing since: June 08, 2001
Vinyl Trader
Maria Stallings
GOLD STAR member
My Trade Policy
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I'm Looking For
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*Name: Maria Stallings 

Country: USA 

*Category: I only have Vinyl Records with white covers 

*E-mail address and/or online trade list URL: Airgirl444@aol.com 

Do you want to receive feedback from others? Yes 

Trade Policy:  I have rare albums that I don't want. 

Other artists I trade: I have "Live Band", "G.W.W. sings the John Birch 
Society Blues (blue and silver label)", "The Rolling Stones on Lurch 
records", "The Beatles Get back to Toronto on IPF records (yellow label)", 
"Isle of Wight concert Piece Records presents G.W.W. in concert on the island 
(pink label) All have white covers. 

I'm looking for: None 


My Policy:

None Specified


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Feedback for This Trader:

If you have had dealings with this trader,
drop us an email to let us know how it went.

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I'm Looking For:

Nothing Specified

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Other Artists I Trade:

I have "Live Band"
"G.W.W. sings the John Birch Society Blues (blue and silver label)"
"The Rolling Stones on Lurch records"
"The Beatles Get back to Toronto on IPF records (yellow label)"
"Isle of Wight concert Piece Records presents G.W.W. in concert on the island (pink label) 
All have white covers. 

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